Our Veteran Support Service is uniquely staffed by ex-forces support workers who have made the transition from military to civilian life. With their experience, understanding and empathy with veterans, they are in a good position to enable engagement and progression. Our model of support is based on a military structure. It supports veterans involved in the Criminal Justice system, preparing them for end of their sentences and continues to offer support post release.
The main areas that are addressed by the Veteran Support Service are:
- reducing social isolation
- building self-esteem and confidence
- managing stress and anxiety
- accommodation/housing
- mental health & wellbeing including military PTSD
- drug and alcohol issues
- identifying transferable skills
- education, training and employment
- personal goal setting and target setting
Our veteran service works closely with a wide range of charities and organisations, many of which are available only to ex-military personnel. This collaborative approach helps support individuals who have multiple barriers to move closer towards social inclusion.